Wednesday, February 4, 2009


If you spend any time with Helen, you will find yourself answering the question, "asah?!?" (what's that?) several times a minute. It's so cute that we wanted to capture her saying it before she's actually able to pronounce her words more clearly. You can hear it at the tail end of this video. At the beginning of this clip, she's trying to make herself dizzy and right in the middle she tosses up her hands - another very common gesture of hers. This can mean "where?" or "who?" or "what?" and is basically the sign she uses when she's wondering about something.

She has just started using that gesture in the middle of her favorite book, Knuffle Bunny when we get to the page that says, "As soon as her Mommy opened the door, she asked, 'Where's Knuffle Bunny?' " We read the book over and over at home and recite it in the car to keep her occupied (or awake). Yesterday as we were driving home from Sayen's, she threw up her hands and made a questioning sound, "uu uuuh?" right when I got to that part of the story. It's so fun to have her participating as we read her books - even when they're not in front of her.

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