Monday, January 25, 2010

Gymnastics Awards Ceremony

Wow! It's been a really long time since I've posted anything. Helen has changed so much since November and here's proof. Last week was the final week of her first session of gymnastics. The next session started up again today, so it's kind of funny that they had an awards ceremony and everything. Of course, it's mainly an opportunity for parents to shoot photos and videos. We signed Helen up for this class just so she'd have some physical activity during the colder months, but she really has learned a lot. She can do a somersault by herself and she's really good at the "basket hang" (hanging on the bar and putting her feet up by her hands). She'll also take several steps on the beam before reaching out for a hand.

I love how deliberately she places her hands and feet on the tape before doing her forward roll. The gym isn't usually as full as it is in this video - older siblings and other guests came for the final day. She's crazy for this class, so we're happy that she gets to do it again.

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